New arrangements for Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC)

22 December 2022

There are important changes to the Fund’s Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) arrangements being made from January 2023. These changes are applicable if you have paid or are currently paying using the current arrangement with Aviva (previously Friends Provident/Friends Life) or Utmost Life (formerly Equitable Life).

Responsible Investing Annual Report 2022 now available

19 December 2022

The Avon Pension Fund is pleased to publish both its latest Responsible Investment Annual Report and Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report for 2022.

This year’s Responsible Investment Annual Report serves to update stakeholders on the progress we have made against our climate objectives. This report offers insight into the structural challenges climate-aware investors face and provides details of the Fund’s focus over the coming year as we seek to deliver on our financial and environmental, social and governance (ESG) obligations.

The Avon Pension Fund’s Annual Report for 2021/22 is now available

16 November 2022

The Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013 require an administering authority to publish a pension fund annual report on or before 1st December following the Scheme year end. This annual report should contain an external auditor’s opinion on the pension fund’s statement of accounts, which is a ‘consistent with’ opinion referring to that given on the administering authority’s statement of accounts.

Avon Pension Fund featured in the IIGCC inaugural Paris Aligned Asset Owners progress report

14 November 2022

To coincide with COP27’s Finance Day, the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) published their inaugural Paris Aligned Asset Owners (PAAO) progress report. The report, which includes 29 case studies, shows how asset owners are developing a range of strategies and approaches to fulfil the criteria set by the PAAO 10-point commitment (which is set out in the report).

Avon Pension Fund is in the process of moving to a different AVC provider

28 September 2022

The Avon Pension Fund is in the process of moving to a new AVC provider.

Aviva, our current AVC provider, will no longer accept new employer applications and we are therefore in the process of appointing a new AVC provider.

From 1 October 2022, we will temporarily suspend new applications to any of the existing Aviva AVC schemes. As soon as we have appointed a new provider, new AVC applications will commence again with the new provider. This is likely to be from December. Deductions in respect of existing AVC contracts with Aviva will continue during this interim period.

The Pensions Ombudsman’s McCloud factsheet

8 August 2022

The Pensions Ombudsman (TPO) has published a factsheet on McCloud. The factsheet sets out TPO’s views on what affected members and schemes can do now and TPO’s present approach to dealing with McCloud complaints.

TPO’s general starting position is that it would not investigate McCloud complaints. This is because it acknowledges that the Government is taking steps to address the discrimination with retrospective effect. TPO will, however, carefully look at the facts of each case before deciding whether to investigate.

Avon Pension Fund has signed the pledge to combat pension scams

25 July 2022

We’re pleased to sign The Pension Regulator’s pledge to combat pension scams and protect our members.

Pension scammers wreck lives and anyone can be a victim. As part of the pensions industry, we play a vital role in protecting members and helping to fight the scammers.