Responsible Investing Annual Report for 2021 now available

28 January 2022

The Avon Pension Fund is pleased to publish its latest Responsible Investment Annual Report.

The report details the activities undertaken during 2021 by the Fund, our managers and our partners to deliver and support our Responsible Investing Policy.

Avon Pension Fund publishes its annual Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Report

15 December 2021

Following a consultation, in 2017 the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) issued initial recommendations for reporting to help stakeholders in financial markets understand their climate risks and opportunities. This covers the areas of Governance, Strategy, Risk and Metrics & Targets and Avon Pension Fund has now adopted this guidance and set out its own disclosures in this report.

Avon Pension Fund adds its name to the 2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis

10 June 2021

With the G7 Summit taking place this weekend in Cornwall, we’re proud to announce that we are a signatory of the 2021 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis.

In signing this document, we stand alongside 456 other investors worldwide with a combined asset-worth of over $41 trillion. It calls on all governments in 2021 to increase their climate policy action and ambition urgently by COP26 (UN Climate Change Conference) in November.

Our 2021 Carbon Metrics Report is here

12 May 2021

Our 2021 Carbon Metrics Report details the weighted average carbon intensity (WACI), fossil fuel related revenues, reserves exposure and the disclosure rates among companies within the Fund's listed equity portfolio.

Get to know Responsible Investment

7 May 2021

In light of the Climate Emergency, there is growing pressure on countries and organisations alike to publicise what they are doing to address and tackle the issue. As your Pension Fund, we know it is our responsibility to be transparent and to explain our actions in the matter, especially when it comes to investment. We’re pleased to have a new tool in our box to help us keep that promise, that we’d like to share with you.